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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535658


Introducción: El cáncer de páncreas (CP) tiene un pronóstico ominoso a pesar de los avances en técnica quirúrgica y en los cuidados peri/postoperatorios. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar factores asociados a mayor sobrevida en pacientes con CP tratados mediante pancreatoduodenectomía (PD). Material y Método: Estudio de casos y controles de pacientes con CP tratados mediante PD en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad Católica entre 2002-2015. Se definió como caso al paciente con sobrevida ≥ 3 años y como control a aquel con sobrevida inferior a ese plazo. Se comparó entre casos y controles datos biodemográficos, clínicos, histopatológicos, de morbilidad y mortalidad mediante regresión logística. Resultados: Se analizaron 70 pacientes, con una edad media de 62 ± 11 años; 40 (57%) mujeres. Hubo morbilidad en 26 enfermos (37,1%); Clavien-Dindo ≥ Illa en 8 (11,4%). La mediana (rango) de días de hospitalización fue 12 (7-84). La sobrevida actuarial a 1, 3 y 5 años fue 77%, 32% y 22% respectivamente. Se identificaron 21 casos (30%) y 49 controles (70%). En el análisis univariable, la resección R0, los ganglios regionales negativos, la ausencia de infiltración perineural, los estadios más precoces (IA, IB y IIA) y la ausencia de diabetes mellitus (DM2) al momento del diagnóstico, fueron variables asociadas a sobrevida ≥ 3 años (p 100 U/mL) y los tratamientos complementarios no se asociaron a diferencias significativas en sobrevida. En el análisis multivariable, se identificó la ausencia de DM2 (OR ajustado: 12; IC95% 1,7-84,3), la ausencia de infiltración perineural (OR ajustado: 7; IC95% 1,3-36,3) y los estadios precoces IA, IB y IIA (OR ajustado: 10,3; IC95% 2,1-49,1) como los factores independientes asociados a sobrevida mayor a 3 años. Conclusión: Los pacientes no diabéticos, con etapas precoces del CP sin infiltración perineural, resecados R0 mediante PD pueden obtener una sobrevida mayor a 3 años.

Introduction: Pancreatic cancer (PC) remains one of the most lethal malignancies, despite developments in surgical and non-surgical therapies. Significant improvements in long-term survival have not been achieved. Only radical surgical resection has obtained a moderate extension in survival. We aim to identify factors associated with longer survival in patients with PC treated by pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). Material and Method: We designed a case-control study of patients with PC treated by PD in our center between 2002-2015. We compare patients who survived ≥ 3 years (case) with those not achieving it (control). Bio-demographic, clinical, histopathological, morbidity and mortality data were compared between cases and controls using logistic regression. Results: Seventy patients were analyzed; mean age 62 ± 11 years; 40 (57%) women. Morbidity was found in 26 patients (37.1%); Clavien-Dindo ≥ Illa in 8 (11.4%). The median (range) of hospitalization days was 12 (7-84). The actuarial 1, 3, and 5 years survival was 77%, 32%, and 22%, respectively, for the entire series. Twenty-one cases (30%), and 49 controls (70%) were identified. In the univariate analysis, R0 resection, negative regional lymph nodes, the absence of perineural infiltration, the earliest stages (IA, IB, and IIA) and the absence of diabetes mellitus (DM) at time of diagnosis were variables associated with survival ≥ 3 years (p 100 U / mL), and neo/adjuvant treatments, did not significantly show differences in survival. In the multivariate analysis, no DM at diagnosis (adjusted OR: 12; 95% CI 1.7 - 84.3), no perineural infiltration (adjusted OR: 7; 95% CI 1.3 - 36.3) and early stages IA, IB, and IIA (adjusted OR: 10.3; 95% CI 2.1 - 49.1) were identified as independent factors associated with survival > 3 years. Conclusion: Nondiabetic patients with early stages PC without perineural infiltration, resected R0 by PD can achieve survival over 3 years.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522055


Introducción: Los tumores malignos ubicados en la región periampular pueden ser: ampular, biliar, pancreático o duodenal, y constituyen un problema de salud por su alta mortalidad. En su etiopatogenia se involucran múltiples factores de riesgo, cuyo comportamiento clínico y epidemiológico se desconoce en la población matancera. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento clínico y epidemiológico de los tumores periampulares malignos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo en 34 pacientes con diagnóstico de tumores periampulares malignos, atendidos en el Servicio de Gastroenterología del Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas, de enero a diciembre de 2021. Se estudiaron variables como: grupos de edad, sexo, factores de riesgo y antecedentes patológicos personales, tiempo de evolución de los síntomas y localización del tumor. Los resultados fueron recogidos en una planilla de recolección de datos. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino y el grupo de 50 a 69 años. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron el consumo de café, tabaquismo y diabetes mellitus. El íctero fue el síntoma más frecuente. La mayoría de los pacientes iniciaron los síntomas de 1 a 3 meses antes del diagnóstico. El cáncer de páncreas fue el más frecuente. Conclusiones: Los tumores periampulares predominaron en la población mayor de 50 años. Los hábitos tóxicos fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes. El cáncer de páncreas tuvo mayor incidencia. El comportamiento clínico estuvo relacionado con la localización de la lesión, el tiempo de evolución de los síntomas, y los factores de riesgo que predominaron.

Introduction: Malignant tumors located in the periampullary region can be ampullary, biliary, pancreatic or duodenal and are a health problem due to their high mortality. Their etio-pathogenesis involves many risk factors, whose clinic and epidemiological behavior is unknown by the population of Matanzas. Objective: To determine the clinical-epidemiological behavior of malignant periampullary tumors. Materials and methods: A descriptive, prospective study was conducted in 34 patients with diagnosis of malignant periampullary tumors, treated in the Gastroenterology Service of the Clinical-Surgery University Hospital Comandante Faustino Perez Hernandez, of Matanzas, from January to December 2021. Variables such as age group, sex, risk factors and personal pathological history, time of evolution of symptoms and tumor location were studied. The results were collected in a data collection form. Results: Male sex and the 50-69 years age group predominated. The most frequent risk factors were coffee consumption, smoking and diabetes mellitus. Jaundice was the most frequent symptom. Most of the patients started symptoms one to three months before the diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer was the most frequent. Conclusions: Periampullary tumors predominated in the population older than 50 years. Toxic habits were the most common risk factors. Pancreatic cancer had a higher incidence. Clinical behavior was related to the location of the lesion, the time of evolution of the symptoms, and the risk factors that predominated.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515373


Introducción: Los tumores malignos ubicados en la región periampular pueden ser: ampular (carcinoma ampular), biliar (colangiocarcinoma), pancreático (tumores de la cabeza del páncreas) o duodenal (cáncer de la segunda porción duodenal), y constituyen un problema de salud por su alta mortalidad, y un motivo frecuente de consulta multidisciplinaria por oncología digestiva. Objetivo: Describir los procederes diagnósticos y resultados histopatológicos asociados al manejo de tumores periampulares en pacientes atendidos en consulta multidisciplinaria. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en 34 pacientes con diagnóstico de estas neoplasias, en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. La fecha comprende de enero a diciembre del año 2021. Se estudiaron variables como: grupos de edad, sexo, resultados imagenológicos, endoscópicos e histológicos, vía para la realización de la biopsia y tratamiento definitivo. Los resultados fueron recogidos en una planilla de recolección de datos. Resultados: Predominaron el sexo masculino y el grupo de 50 a 69 años. La tomografía axial computarizada abdominal mostró mayor sensibilidad en el diagnóstico respecto al ultrasonido. La colangiopancreatografía endoscópica retrograda fue el método diagnóstico y terapéutico más utilizado, seguido del tratamiento quirúrgico paliativo. Conclusiones: El manejo de los tumores, al igual que su tratamiento definitivo, estuvo relacionado con su localización. Como todos no pudieron ser estadificados, fue necesario el estudio histológico.

Introduction: Malignant tumors located in the periampullary region may be: ampullary (ampullary carcinoma), biliary (chollangiocarcinoma), pancreatic (tumors of the pancreas head) or duodenal (cancer of the second duodenal portion). They constitute a health problem due to their high mortality and a reason of frequent multidisciplinary consultation by digestive oncology. Objective: To describe the diagnostic procedures and the histopathological results associated to the management of periampullary tumors in patients treated in multidisciplinary consultations. Materials and methods: A descriptive and prospective study was conducted in 34 patients diagnosed with these neoplasms at the Clinical-Surgical University Hospital Comandante Faustino Perez. The date ranges from January to December 2021. Variables such as age groups, sex, imaging, endoscopic and histological results, pathway for biopsy and definitive treatment were studied. The results were collected in a data collection form. Results: Male sex and the age group from 50 to 69 years predominated. Abdominal computed axial tomography showed higher sensitivity in the diagnosis than ultrasound. Retrograde endoscopic cholangiopancreatography was the most widely used diagnostic and therapeutic method, followed by palliative surgical treatment Conclusions: The management of the tumors, as well as their definitive treatment, was related to their location. Since all of them could not be staged, histological study was necessary.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536314


Introducción: El cáncer de páncreas constituye un problema de salud debido al diagnóstico tardío, su agresividad biológica y la ausencia de un tratamiento sistémico efectivo. Objetivo: Caracterizar clínica, epidemiológica, histológica y anatómicamente a pacientes con cáncer de páncreas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de casos clínicos, en pacientes con cáncer de páncreas que acudieron al Hospital Oncológico Conrado Benítez; de Santiago de Cuba, en el período comprendido diciembre 2017 hasta diciembre 2018. El universo estuvo conformado por el total de los pacientes de ambos sexos, cuya cifra ascendió a 19 que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: No existió predominio significativo según el sexo, prevaleció el grupo de edades entre 61-70 años en un 31,6 por ciento, el 84,2 por ciento de los pacientes presentó como factor de riesgo la dieta rica en grasas y pobre en verduras y el tabaquismo, en el 63,2 por ciento coexistió la hipertensión arterial, la pérdida de peso fue el signo que sobresalió en el 79,0 por ciento. El 47,4 por ciento se les diagnosticó adenocarcinoma poco diferenciado, siendo la localización más frecuente de los tumores (31,6 por ciento) la cabeza del páncreas. Conclusiones: El cáncer de páncreas es una enfermedad maligna que se relacionada con la edad y sus síntomas se manifiestan tardíamente, se asocia con la presencia de factores de riesgo por lo que es necesario identificarlos precozmente, modificarlos y/o atenuarlos(AU)

Introduction: Pancreatic cancer constitutes a health problem due to late diagnosis, its biological aggressiveness and the absence of effective systemic treatment. Objective: To clinically, epidemiologically, histologically and anatomically characterize patients with pancreatic cancer. Methods: A descriptive study of clinical cases was carried out in patients with pancreatic cancer who attended the Conrado Benítez; Oncological Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, in the period from December 2017 to December 2018. The universe was made up of the total number of patients of both genders, which amounted to 19 meeting the inclusion criteria. Results: There was no significant predominance according to gender, the age group between 61-70 years prevailed in 31.6 percent, 84.2 percent of patients presented as risk factor the diet rich in fat and poor in vegetables and smoking, in 63.2 percent coexisted arterial hypertension, weight loss was the sign that stood out in 79.0 percent. The 47.4 percent were diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, being the pancreatic head the most frequent location of the tumors (31.6 percent). Conclusions: Pancreatic cancer is an age-related malignant disease and its symptoms manifest late that is associated with the presence of risk factors, so it is necessary to identify them early, modify and/or attenuate them(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pancreatic Neoplasms/epidemiology , Weight Loss , Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal/epidemiology , Hypertension/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Jun; 60(2): 152-159
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221769


Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) is the most feared complication following pancreatic resection. Octreotide, a synthetic somatostatin analog, has been widely used by pancreatic surgeons worldwide after pancreatic resections, often as per surgeon抯 discretion, to prevent POPF especially in cases at high risk of developing POPF. We herein analyze the data available till date of the subject. A PubMed search with keywords 搒omatostatin OR octreotide OR somatostatin analogues AND postoperative pancreatic fistula� was made. Further filters were applied in the search 揅linical Trial, Meta?Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, Systematic Review, from 1990 � 2021,� and the 68 results thus obtained were analyzed and included in this narrative review. There is considerable heterogeneity among the studies assessing the role of octreotide in the prevention of POPF making data comparison difficult, and hence results remain inconclusive. Most of the earlier studies used different definitions of POPF and other complications; included patients with varied pancreatic pathologies such as cancer, chronic pancreatitis, and benign lesions; surgical techniques such as pancreaticoduodenectomy, distal pancreatectomy, and other procedures; use of somatostatin and its analogs such as octreotide, lanreotide, pasireotide, and vapreotide; varied surgeon and institutional volume; and so on. Besides, pancreatic surgery is per se a complex surgical procedure and has its own inherent biases related to patient and the pancreas itself affecting the overall outcome. Data indicate favorable role of newer somatostatin analogs, and further studies are urgently needed. The question about the efficacy of prophylactic octreotide to reduce POPF after pancreaticoduodenectomy remains open to debate

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223570


Background & objectives: FOLFIRINOX and gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel (GN) are the most commonly used regimens in advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs). As there is limited data on comparison of these two regimens, the present study was aimed to compare survivals and tolerance for both regimens through a match-pair analysis. Methods: The data of 350 patients with metastatic and locally advanced PDAC, treated between January 2013 and December 2019, were retrieved. A 1:1 matching, using age and performance status, without replacement was performed by using nearest neighbour matching method. Results: A total of 260 patients (130 modified FOLFIRINOX and 130 GN) were matched. The median overall survival (OS) was 12.98 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 7.257-8.776 months] in modifications of FOLFIRINOX (mFOLFIRINOX) cohort and 12.06 months (95% CI 6.690-8.88 months) in GN group (P=0.080). The incidence of grade 3 and 4 infections, diarrhoea, oral mucositis, and fatigue was higher with mFOLFIRINOX. Patients who received second line therapy had improved OS as compared to those who did not (14.06 vs. 9.07 months, P<0.001). Interpretation & conclusions: GN and mFOLFIRINOX appear to have similar survival outcomes in an unselected match paired patient population with advanced PDAC. A markedly increased incidence of non-myelosuppressive grade 3 and grade 4 side-effects and lack of survival improvements suggest a need for nuanced use of the mFOLFIRINOX regimen. Administration of second-line chemotherapy improves OS in patients with advanced PDAC.

Journal of Central South University(Medical Sciences) ; (12): 268-274, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971394


Pancreatic cancer (PC) is a malignant tumor of the digestive tract with poor patient prognosis. The PC incidence is still increasing with a 5-year survival rate of only 10%. At present, surgical resection is the most effective method to treat PC, however, 80% of the patients missed the best time for surgery after they have been diagnosed as PC. Chemotherapy is one of the main treating methods but PC is insensitive to chemotherapy, prone to drug resistance, and is accompanied by many side effects which are related to a lack of specific target. Exosomes are nanoscale vesicles secreted by almost all cell types and can carry various bioactive substances which mediate cell communication and material transport. They are characterized by a low immunogenicity, low cytotoxicity, high penetration potential and homing capacity, and possess the potential of being used as advanced drug carriers. Therefore, it is a hot research topic to use drug-loaded exosomes for tumor therapy. They may alleviate chemotherapy resistance, reduce side effects, and enhance the curative effect. In recent years, exosome drug carriers have achieved considerable results in PC chemotherapy studies.

Humans , Exosomes/metabolism , Drug Carriers/metabolism , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 471-478, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981293


Pancreatic cancer is one of the digestive system tumors with a high degree of malignancy,and most of the patients are diagnosed in advanced stages.Because of limited available therapies,the mortality of this disease remains high.Tumor-associated macrophages(TAM),the main immune cells in the tumor microenvironment,are involved in the regulation of the occurrence and development of pancreatic cancer.Specifically,TAM are involved in the proliferation,invasion,immune escape,and chemoresistance of pancreatic cancer cells,demonstrating potential in the targeted therapy of pancreatic cancer.In this paper,we summarize the TAM-based therapies including consuming TAM,reprogramming TAM,dynamic imaging of TAM with nanoprobes,and regulating the phagocytic ability of TAM for pancreatic cancer,aiming to provide a theoretical basis for developing new therapies for pancreatic cancer.

Humans , Tumor-Associated Macrophages , Macrophages , Pancreatic Neoplasms/pathology , Tumor Microenvironment
Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University(Medical Sciences) ; (6): 717-724, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005796


【Objective】 Based on Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database, survival analysis was used to screen the key prognostic genes involved of pancreatic cancer patients. 【Methods】 Two pancreatic cancer gene chips (Microarray) from the GEO database and transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) from the TCGA database were used to filter the survival-related genes using Kaplan-Meier (KM) analysis and Cox risk model, and the target genes were intersected. Prognosis-associated genes were screened first and then pathway enrichment analysis or immune-enrichment analysis was performed based on these genes to find out their potential molecular mechanisms in regulating pancreatic cancer. 【Results】 In this study, five survival-related genes (i.e., CDO1, DCBLD2, FAM83A, ITGA3 and SLC16A3) were screened out. Multifactorial Cox regression analysis and clinical correlation analysis showed that high CDO1 expression was a protective factor for pancreatic cancer prognosis, and its antitumor effect was associated with its role in inhibiting the malignant biological behavior of pancreatic cancer cells and promoting the infiltration of immune killer cells in pancreatic cancer. 【Conclusion】 This study suggests that CDO1 is a potential tumor suppress gene of pancreatic cancer, and the tumor inhibition effect of CDO1 may be related to its role in remodeling the immune microenvironment of pancreatic cancer.

Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion ; (12): 152-155, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004862


【Objective】 To investigate whether there is a correlation between the differences in ABO blood group distribution in patients with pancreatic cancer, and to evaluate the relative risk. 【Methods】 Patients with pathological diagnosis or discharge diagnosis of pancreatic cancer who underwent ABO blood group typing in our hospital from January 2017 to October 2021 were selected, and the blood group distribution of patients and the correlation were analyzed. 【Results】 There was a statistically significant difference between the pancreatic cancer group and the control group (P<0.05). The study showed that type A may be a relative risk factor for pancreatic cancer patients (χ2=42.44, P<0.001), and type B may play a protective role (χ2=16.28, P<0.01). Significant differences were found in distribution between different gender groups (χ2=64.35, P<0.05). The test results showed that type A may be a risk factor for pancreatic cancer in men (χ2=35.2, OR=1.7, 95%CI=0.59-1.02, P<0.001), and type O may play a protective role in pancreatic cancer(χ2=18.22, OR=0.6, 95%CI=0.25-0.32, P<0.01); type A may be a relative risk factor for female pancreatic cancer patients (χ2=7.06, OR=1.4, 95%CI=0.59-1.02, P<0.001), while type B may play a protective role (χ2=20.32, OR=0.5, 95%CI=0.32-0.43, P<0.01). In pancreatic cancer group, the risk factors of blood type A were higher than those of non-A group, and the protective effect of type B was significantly higher than that of non-B group. 【Conclusion】 The distribution of blood group and relative risk factors in pancreatic cancer patients suggest that A type is predominant; in the population with A blood group, more attention should be paid to early prevention and early treatment, so as to reduce the risk of disease.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 889-892, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998195


ObjectiveTo investigate the mortality and years of life lost of pancreatic cancer in Baoshan District of Shanghai,from 2009 to 2021, and to provide scientific evidence for the prevention and control of pancreatic cancer in the future. MethodsThe death surveillance data of Baoshan District from 2009 to 2021 were collected from the Shanghai chronic disease surveillance information management system. Crude mortality, standardized mortality,potential years of life lost (PYLL), potential years of life lost rate (PYLLR) , average years of potential life lost (AYLL) , annual percentage change (APC) were calculated to analyze the trend of mortality and life loss of pancreatic cancer. ResultsFrom 2009 to 2021, a total of 2117 deaths of pancreatic cancer were reported in Baoshan District, accounting for 7.05% of all cancer deaths. The average age of the death cases was (71.18±10.97)years. The youngest was 3 years old and the oldest was 96 years old. The death component ratio of pancreatic cancer increased with time (P<0.05), and the average death age of women was higher than that of men (P<0.05). The crude mortality of pancreatic cancer was 17.38/105 in Baoshan District from 2009 to 2021, showing a rising tendency (P<0.05) with APC of 3.74%. The standardized mortality of pancreatic cancer was 7.84/105. The crude mortality of pancreatic cancer was 19.71/105 in men and 14.89/105 in women, both showed a tendency towards a rise (P<0.05 ) with APC of 4.44% and 2. 89%, respectively. The crude mortality of pancreatic cancer showed a tendency towards a decline in residents at ages of 45 to 60 years ( P<0.05 ), with APC of 4.74%. The PYLL and PYLLR of pancreatic cancer were 8 115 person-years and 0.67‰ in Baoshan District from 2009 to 2021, while the AYLL of pancreatic cancer was 3.83 years per person. The PYLL was higher in men than in women. ConclusionThe mortality rate of pancreatic cancer in Baoshan District shows an increasing trend. The healthy life of elderly and men is affected largely by pancreatic cancer. It is necessary to strengthen the health education on the prevention/control of pancreatic cancer and healthy life style, thereby improving the tertiary prevention system of pancreatic cancer.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice ; (6): 616-624, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996919


Objective To predict the target of Atractylodes-Panxia-Poria in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, and to explore its potential molecular mechanism by using network pharmacology and molecular docking. Methods Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP), PharmMapper, OMIM, GeneCards, STRING, DAVID and Cytoscape software were used to construct a series of network diagrams. The core targets and conduct GO analysis and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses of the target genes were selected. Finally, molecular docking verification of key active ingredients and potential targets were conducted by AutoDock software. Results A total of 35 active ingredients, 190 related targets, 1566 targets of pancreatic cancer and 76 intersection targets were screened for the treatment of pancreatic cancer with Atractylodes-Panxia-Poria. These intersection targets were mainly involved in several biological processes, including positive regulation of gene expression, cytokine-mediated signaling pathway and regulation of apoptotic process, etc, which were also related to pathways in cancer, hepatitis B, colorectal cancer, chemical carcinogenesis-receptor activation, pancreatic cancer, and MAPK signaling pathway, etc. Molecular docking results showed that the main active components of Atractylodes-Panxia-Poria had certain affinity with the potential targets of pancreatic cancer. Conclusion Atractylodes-Panxia-Poria mainly exerts a therapeutic effect on pancreatic cancer through multi-component, multi-target and multi-pathway, which provides a certain theoretical basis for the clinical application of Atractylodes -Panxia-Poria in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ; (6): 66-67, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996418


Objective To analyze the disease burden status, trends and possible influencing factors of pancreatic cancer in Chengde of Hebei from 2010 to 2020, in order to provide theoretical basis for the preventionof pancreatic cancer. Methods Using the global burden of disease open database, the incidence rate, mortality, years of life lost (YLL), years of life lost with disability (YLD) and disability adjusted life year (DALY) of pancreatic cancer in the region are obtained,average annual percent change (AAPC) was calculated using joinpoint model to test the trend of disease burden change of pancreatic cancer patients from 2010 to 2020. At the same time, the patient characteristics such as hypertension, diabetes and other categorical variables were set as dummy variables, and the risk factors affecting the mortality of patients with pancreatic cancer were analyzed by linear regression. Results In 2010, there were 15 new cases of pancreatic cancer and 13 deaths in Chengde District , Hebei Province. The YLLs caused by pancreatic cancer accounted for 70.67% of DALY. In 2020, there were 160 new cases of pancreatic cancer and 147 deaths in Chengde, Hebei Province. The YLLs caused by pancreatic cancer accounted for 96.02% of DALY. From 2010 to 2020, the incidence of pancreatic cancer increased by 9.79%, and the incidence rate increased by 7.81%, showing an obvious upward trend (APCC =2.20%, P 28.0 and pancreatitis (OR=1.574 , 95% CI: 1.328-3.045) were all risk factors for death of patients with pancreatic cancer (OR>1) . Conclusion From 2010 to 2020, the incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer among local residents in Chengde of Hebei showed an upward trend, and the disease burden was also increasing year by year. The basic diseases of diabetes and chronic pancreatitis increase the death risk and should be protected.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2427-2432, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996404


Pancreatic cancer is one of the most destructive malignant tumors; the pathogenesis of this disease is complex and is closely related to genetic susceptibility, chronic pancreatitis, and gene mutations in signaling pathways. The phosphoinositide 3- kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) signaling pathway is a classical cancer signaling pathway that is aberrantly activated in pancreatic cancer cells. In recent years, it has been found that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) monomers show special activity in the treatment of pancreatic cancer and can be potential drug for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Based on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, this paper summarizes the mechanism of TCM monomer intervening in pancreatic cancer and finds that TCM monomer of alkaloids (sinomenine, dictamnine, dauricine, etc.), terpenoids (saikosaponin A, linderalactone, isoalantolactone, etc.), phenols (6-gingerol, curcumin, pterostilbene, etc.), flavonoids (fisetin, kaempferol, quercetin, etc.) and quinones (β-hydroxyisovaleryl shikonin, rhein, lucidone, etc.) can inhibit the proliferation, invasion and migration of pancreatic cancer cells, regulate autophagy and apoptosis, and then inhibit the pathological process of pancreatic cancer by inhibiting PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 946-953, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-978768


This study mainly explores the role of myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88 (MyD88) in tumorigenesis and development, to identify active compounds targeting MyD88. CRISPR/Cas9 system and xenograft tumor model were used to detect the effect of MyD88 deletion on tumor growth, and the experimental animal ethics review number was PZSHUTCM200828006. Microscale thermophoresis technology (MST) was used to identify compounds directly bind to MyD88 and further detect the impact of candidate small molecules on cell proliferation. Results showed that depletion of MyD88 significantly inhibited xenograft tumor growth of colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and skin cancer and the activity of NF-κB signaling pathway. MST showed that nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) bound to MyD88, with the binding dissociation constant Kd of 14.61 µmol·L-1. NDGA inhibited NF-κB reporting system activation and phosphorylation of p65, the key factor in NF-κB signal pathway. In addition, the results of colony formation assay showed that NDGA suppressed the proliferation of tumor cells. The above results show that, MyD88 is a potential therapeutic target for colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and skin cancer, NDGA directly binds to MyD88 and inhibits the activity of NF-κB signaling pathway, as well as inhibits the proliferation of pancreatic cancer, skin cancer and colon cancer cells.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice ; (6): 234-239, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972318


Objective To study the effects of three ferroptosis inducers Erastin (Era), sulfasalazine (SASP) and artesunate (Art) alone or combined with gemcitabine hydrochloride (hcGEM) on the proliferation inhibition of Human pancreatic cell line PANC -1. Methods The CCK-8 method was used to detect the inhibitory effects of different concentrations of Era, SASP and Art alone or combined with hcGEM on the proliferation of PANC-1, and the combination index (CI) was used to judge whether three ferroptosis inducers combined with hcGEM had synergistic inhibitory effect on PANC-1. Results The three ferroptosis inducers and hcGEM alone or in combination could significantly inhibit the activity of PANC-1. The inhibitory effects were enhanced with the concentration increasing. The CI values of hcGEM-Era 4∶1 or 1∶4 combination group and hcGEM-SASP 1∶400 combination group were less than 1.The CI values of hcGEM-Art 1∶4 or 1∶16 combination group were less than 1 only within a certain concentration range. Conclusion The inhibitory effects of the three ferroptosis inducers and hcGEM alone or in combination were dose-dependent. The combination of hcGEM and three ferroptosis inducers could synergistically inhibit the proliferation of PANC-1.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 111-116, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953729


Polysaccharide is a recognized immunomodulator that has been shown to have inhibitory effects on a variety of cancer cells and has the potential to be developed as an anti-cancer drug. Pancreatic cancer, one of the cancers with the highest mortality rate, is treated with long-term chemotherapeutic drugs and is prone to a variety of side effects such as immune deficiency, fatigue, and neurological lesions. The polysaccharide anti-pancreatic cancer research landscape both domestically and internationally is summarized in this publication. By regulating nuclear factor-κB, Hippo-Yes-associated protein, integrin and other signaling pathways, polysaccharide components play an anti-pancreatic cancer role by multi-target ways, such as inducing apoptosis and autophagy, inhibiting proliferation, migration and invasion of cancer cells, and regulating the cancer cell cycle.

Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery ; (6): 282-285, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989942


Objective:To assess the effectiveness and characteristics of intratumoral radioactive seed implantation in pancreatic cancer pain management.Methods:Clinical data of 160 patients with pancreatic cancer receiving radioactive seed implantation were retrospectively analyzed. Both pre- and postoperative pain intensities were evaluated using the visual analog scale (VAS) .Results:About 71.88% (115) of 160 patients experienced abdominal or low back pain. Postoperative pain in 104 patients was relieved at various degrees after radioactive seed implantation with an analgesic efficacy of 90.43% (the efficacy for abdominal and low back pain relief was 86.52% and 96.34%, respectively). The between-group difference was statistically significant. Pain relief was observed 1-7 days postoperatively, and the maximal degree of pain relief was achieved 2-14 days after treatment initiation.Conclusion:Intratumoral implantation of radioactive seeds was microinvasive, quick-acting, and effective in pancreatic cancer pain management.

Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery ; (6): 278-281, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989941


Objective:To investigate the expression of soluble T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-3 (Tim-3) in peripheral blood of patients with pancreatic cancer and its diagnostic value in combination with serum Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) .Methods:106 newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer patients and 65 age and sex matched healthy individuals were enrolled. Tim-3 concentration was quantitatively determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). According to the expression levels of soluble Tim-3 and serum CA19-9, a binary logistic regression model of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was established to compare the diagnostic effects of serum CA19-9 and soluble Tim-3 alone or combined with the two tests.Results:The levels of soluble Tim-3 in the pancreatic cancer group were significantly higher than those in the healthy control group ( P<0.001). The expression level of soluble Tim-3 was significantly higher in patients with stage III-IV pancreatic cancer than in patients with stage I-II ( P=0.003). The AUC of soluble Tim-3 diagnosis for stage I-II pancreatic cancer was 0.856 (95%CI: 0.765 to 0.992 P<0.001), Serum CA19-9 The AUC used for the stage I-II pancreatic cancer diagnosis was 0.862 (95%CI: 0.772 to 0.926 P<0.001), The AUC for the combined diagnosis was 0.949 (95%CI: 0.880 - 0.985 P<0.001) ; In a healthy population and in patients with stage III-IV pancreatic cancer, the AUC of soluble T I I-IV pancreatic cancer in stage III was 0.927 (95%CI: 0.873 to 0.963 P<0.001), the AUC of serum CA19-9 used for the diagnosis of stage III-IV pancreatic cancer was 0.933 (95%CI: 0.881 to 0.968 P<0.001), the AUC for the combined diagnosis was 0.989 (95%CI: 0.956 to 0.999 P<0.001) . Conclusions:The combination of soluble Tim-3 and serum CA19-9 can improve the diagnostic rate of pancreatic cancer patients.

Chinese Journal of Endocrine Surgery ; (6): 273-277, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989940


Objective:To detect the expression of long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) ARAP1-AS1 in pancreatic cancer, and to preliminarily explore its effects on the biological behaviors of proliferation, apoptosis, migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer cell.Methods:The pancreatic cancer tissue specimens and corresponding paracancerous tissue specimens of 25 patients were collected, and the expression of ARAP1-AS1 was detected by qPCR. Human pancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1 was cultured in vitro and divided into control group, siRNA-control group (transfected with siRNA control sequence), knockout group (transfected with ARAP1-AS1 siRNA), pcDNA3.1-control group (transfected with pcDNA3.1) and overexpression group (transfected with pcDNA3.1-ARAP1-AS1), qPCR method was used to detect the transfection efficiency, CCK-8 method was used to detect the cell proliferation ability, flow cytometry was used to detect the cell apoptosis, scratch test was used to detect the cell migration ability, Transwell method was used to detect the cell invasion ability, Western blot (WB) method was used to detect the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), B lymphoma-2 protein (Bcl-2), Bcl-2 related X protein (Bax), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) proteins.Results:The expression level of ARAP1-AS1 in pancreatic cancer tissues was significantly higher than that in adjacent tissues (2.26±0.13 vs 1.00±0.00) ( P<0.05). Compared with the siRNA-control group, the ARAP1-AS1 level (1.01±0.02 vs 0.29±0.03), PCNA, Bcl-2, MMP-9 protein levels, cell OD value (0.57±0.05 vs 0.23±0.03), scratch healing rate (78.53±7.02 vs 48.60±5.26), and number of invasions (229.63±22.59 vs 104.25±15.04) in PANC-1 cells of the knockout group were significantly reduced ( P<0.05), the Bax protein level and the apoptosis rate (4.52±0.42 vs 32.40±1.84) were significantly increased ( P<0.05). Compared with the pcDNA3.1-control group, the ARAP1-AS1 level (1.02±0.03 vs 2.06±0.08), PCNA, Bcl-2, MMP-9 protein levels, cell OD value (0.57±0.05 vs 0.90±0.08), scratch healing rate (77.65±6.67 vs 91.22±7.34), and number of invasions (225.34±19.65 vs 327.50±25.40) in PANC-1 cells of the overexpression group were significantly increased ( P<0.05), the Bax protein level and the apoptosis rate (4.58±0.48 vs 2.29±0.24) were significantly reduced ( P<0.05) . Conclusion:LncRNA ARAP1-AS1 is highly expressed in pancreatic cancer, which can promote the proliferation, migration and invasion of pancreatic cancer cells PANC-1, and reduce cell apoptosis.